We want to make it easy for an office administrator to connect their office's social accounts to the Realforce platform. Currently, you can connect one Facebook page per office. If you are responsible for several offices, you select which office you want to link in the list.
Before you start
Start by ensuring the following points are met before starting the connection, this will prevent unnecessary obstructions through the flow.
- The Facebook account you log into Facebook with has administrator access to the Facebook page you want to connect. Read more about how to do this here.
- You are logged in to the Adfenix platform to carry out the connection.
- If your office also wants to connect to Instagram, you should ensure that your Instagram account is linked to your Facebook page. Read more about how to do this here.
We request the minimum possible access to your Facebook page to connect your account. If you choose to uncheck any of the permissions, the connection will fail, and you will be prompted to start over.
Step-by-step instructions:
Start by going to Social Media Connections in the main menu on the left. It is shown on the page which Facebook page and Instagram we use for your advertising. If you have the rights to connect your office to a specific page, the "Connect accounts" button is available.
Click the button to start, four easy steps.
- Click the “Connect accounts” button
- A pop-up window will open
- If you forgot to log in to Facebook, you will be asked to do so, otherwise click “Continue as…”
- Agree to the necessary information being shared with us by clicking “Continue”. (You can see what information we need access to in the specification or by clicking “choose what you want to share”)
- Select the page to connect. If you have access to more pages, they will be displayed now, only one page can be selected. Now click “Connect” for the next step
- Your page is now connected, confirm by click “OK”
If at any point in the flow, you receive an error message, you will be prompted to try again.
To get in contact with Realforce Support, please email: support@realforce.com
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